Hold on tight, electric car enthusiasts! Volvo Cars just announced a whopping 27% increase in global car sales for April 2024 compared to last year.

That's not all, their sales for the first four months are up a cool 15.6%

The secret sauce behind Volvo's success? Their delicious electric offerings! Plug-in electric car sales, including both fully electric and plug-in hybrids, skyrocketed by 53% year-over-year in April.

This green wave now makes up nearly half (47.9%) of Volvo's total sales – a massive leap towards their zero-emission future.

Leading the electric charge, Volvo's all-electric car sales absolutely soared by 94% year-over-year, reaching over 17,700 units sold in April.

That's a quarter (26%) of all Volvo sales globally – a clear sign that electric cars are here to stay.

While electric cars are stealing the spotlight, let's not forget hybrids! Plug-in hybrid sales also grew by a healthy 22% year-over-year, with over 14,433 units sold.

Volvo is steering the automotive industry towards a cleaner, greener future. Buckle up, because the ride is only getting more exciting