A Narwhal’s Horn and a Royal Intrigue: KS Embarks on a Quest

A Narwhal's Horn and a Royal Intrigue: KS Embarks on a Quest

The narwhal, also known as the narwhale, is a captivating creature of the Arctic seas. Often nicknamed the “unicorn of the sea,” it’s famous for its long, spiraling tusk that protrudes from its head. But this isn’t magic; it’s actually a specialized tooth! The Tusk: A Mystery Unwrapped Imagine a giant tooth, growing up to … Read more

Unearthing a Legend: 125-Year-Old Fish Makes History

Unearthing a Legend: 125-Year-Old Fish Makes History

Imagine encountering a fish older than your great-great-grandparents! That’s exactly what happened in Wisconsin when fisheries officials snagged a record-breaking lake sturgeon. This leviathan, measuring a whopping 87.5 inches and weighing over 240 pounds, is believed to be the oldest freshwater fish ever caught and the largest lake sturgeon ever documented in the US. But … Read more